Everyone is different, there is more emphasis on quality of service and warranty so do not think too much about the price. But not a few who would prefer affordable web hosting, although in addition, also in consideration of the quality of services a hosting providers. Offer whatever is not always perfect. If you prefer a cheap website hosting, need to be reconsidered regarding service and warranty.
In this article, has collected some cheapest web hosting providers but still qualified. low cost website hosting below are sorted by the best (in our opinion). Furthermore you can set your own that you think suits your needs. The following is a list of top cheap webhosting.

- Hostgator.com : a price of $5.56. considering what you will get, this is a cheap and best hosting services. Very friendly and helpfull and no monthly contract options. Unbelievable tech support, 99.9% uptime guarantee, 45 day money-bac guarantee from the CEO.
- eHost.com : a price of $2.75, you will get a free domain for lifetime of our plan. Best website builder is great if you're building your site from scratch, besides that, you also get a $ 300 marketing credits. The rest is a 24/7 support, cPanel and 45-Day Moneyback Guarantee.
- HostClear.com : a price of $2.99. This is Cheap and simple web hosting solution, very friendly with drap and drop website builder, a money back guarantee and 24/7 support.
- Ideahost.com : a price of $2.99. here you will get 3 plans to choose, it is highly recommended if you plan to build multiple websites over time, 24/7 support.
- iPage.com : a price of $3.75. you get a hosting service that is fast, simple, full-featured and complete. All what you get, termasu free domain, unlimited bandwidth and custom emails. The rest is uptime and money-back guarantees as well as North America-based support.
- Bluehost.com : a price of $3.95, this is a cheap and best hosting service for bloggers, with 1-click WordPress install (recommended by WordPress.org), robust and optimized hosting platform that scales. 24/7 support and money back guarantee.
- JustHost.com : a price of $3.50. This is another viable option for you to consider as it provides unlimited storage, as well as free domain emai. Including 24/7 support.
- Hostmonster.com : a price of $3.95, you will get unlimited space, free email and free online store. 100% US based support from engineers in Provo, UT.
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